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ExtensionsAndTorsWithLimitedDegree :: ExtDegreeLimit

ExtDegreeLimit -- Computes the components in degree <=d of Ext^i(M,N)



The modules M and N should be graded (homogeneous) modules over the same ring.

If M and/or N are ideals or rings, they are regarded as modules in the evident way.

Computes the components in degree ≤d of Exti(M,N). The method computes the homogeneous component up to the chosen degree d of the i-th homology of the complex Hom(Fi-1,N) →Hom(Fi,N) →Hom(Fi+1,N), obtained by applying Hom(.,N) to the resolution F of M: 0←M ←F0 ←...←Fi ←Fi+1.

Example 1: we compute the dimension of the space of first order deformations of a line bundle L of degree 4 over a smooth curve of genus 5 in 4, comparing our function to the global Ext module computation ExtiX(M,N) for coherent sheaves M and N.

i1 : R=ZZ/10007[y_0..y_4];
i2 : I=ideal(y_0*y_3-y_1*y_2,sum apply(5,i->y_i^2),sum apply(5,i->(-1)^i*i*y_i^2));

o2 : Ideal of R
i3 : genus I, codim I, codim(minors(codim I,jacobian I)+I)==5

o3 = (5, 3, true)

o3 : Sequence
i4 : RC=R/I; PC=Proj RC;
i6 : L=coker(matrix{{y_0,y_1},{y_2,y_3}});
i7 : time Ext^1(sheaf L, sheaf L)
     -- used 0.268593 seconds

        ZZ  5
o7 = (-----)

o7 : ------module, free
i8 : time (LonR=coker(sub(presentation L, R))**R^{1}/I;
         betti res(truncate(1,LonR), LengthLimit=>2)) --see below for an explanation
     -- used 0.00242612 seconds

             0  1  2
o8 = total: 16 56 72
         1: 16 56 72

o8 : BettiTally
i9 : time rank source basis(0,ExtDegreeLimit(1,truncate(1,L),L,0))
     -- used 0.0744804 seconds

o9 = 5

We remark that our computation is faster. We needed to truncate L such that the first 2 steps of its R-resolution are linear; the reason may be found in: Smith, G., Computing global extension modules, J. Symbolic Comp (2000) 29, 729-746.

Example 2: we compute Hom(I,S/I)0 and Ext1(I,S/I)0 for a rational quartic curve in 3.

i10 : S = QQ[a..d];
i11 : I = monomialCurveIdeal(S,{1,3,4})

                         3      2     2    2    3    2
o11 = ideal (b*c - a*d, c  - b*d , a*c  - b d, b  - a c)

o11 : Ideal of S
i12 : R = S/I

o12 = R

o12 : QuotientRing
i13 : X = Proj R

o13 = X

o13 : ProjectiveVariety
i14 : IX = sheaf (module I ** R)

o14 = cokernel {2} | c2 bd ac b2 |
               {3} | -b -a 0  0  |
               {3} | d  c  -b -a |
               {3} | 0  0  -d -c |

                                          1           3
o14 : coherent sheaf on X, quotient of OO  (-2) ++ OO  (-3)
                                         X           X
i15 : time Ext^1(IX,OO_X)
     -- used 0.0118447 seconds

o15 = 0

o15 : QQ-module
i16 : time (RonS=coker(presentation R);
           betti res(truncate(2,RonS), LengthLimit=>2)) --see above for an explanation
     -- used 0.00136758 seconds

             0  1  2
o16 = total: 9 23 19
          2: 9 23 19

o16 : BettiTally
i17 : time rank source basis(0,ExtDegreeLimit(1,truncate(2,(module I)**R),R,0))
     -- used 0.00857034 seconds

o17 = 0
i18 : time Hom(IX,OO_X)
     -- used 0.0556342 seconds

o18 = QQ

o18 : QQ-module, free
i19 : time rank source basis(0,ExtDegreeLimit(0,truncate(2,(module I)**R),R,0,printTimings=>true))
-- Computing resolution of M 
     -- used 0.00102219 seconds
-- Allocating memory 
     -- used 0.00320991 seconds
-- Calculating syz of 
       0 1
total: 4 4
   -4: 4 3
   -3: . 1
     -- used 0.00058046 seconds
     -- used 0.0102455 seconds

o19 = 16

The Hom computation is faster with our method.

Example 3: Serre-duality.

i20 : k = ZZ/32003; S = k[v,w,x,y,z];
i22 : I = ideal(w*x+y*z,w*y+x*z);

o22 : Ideal of S
i23 : R = S/I;
i24 : G = coker genericSymmetricMatrix(R,v,2)

o24 = cokernel | v w |
               | w x |

o24 : R-module, quotient of R
i25 : omega = R^{ -1};
i26 : time HH^0(sheaf G), time HH^1(sheaf G), time HH^2(sheaf G)
     -- used 0.0177116 seconds
     -- used 0.00308205 seconds
     -- used 0.0046196 seconds

        2   2
o26 = (k , k , 0)

o26 : Sequence
i27 : time (OmegaOnS=coker(presentation R);
           betti res(truncate(2,OmegaOnS), LengthLimit=>2))
     -- used 0.00121121 seconds

              0  1  2
o27 = total: 13 40 46
          2: 13 40 46

o27 : BettiTally
i28 : (time rank source basis(0,ExtDegreeLimit(2,truncate(2,G),omega,0)),
       time rank source basis(0,ExtDegreeLimit(1,truncate(2,G),omega,0)),
       time rank source basis(0,ExtDegreeLimit(0,truncate(2,G),omega,0)))
     -- used 0.54874 seconds
     -- used 0.0794507 seconds
     -- used 0.0117981 seconds

o28 = (2, 2, 0)

o28 : Sequence
i29 : (time rank source basis(0,Ext^2(truncate(2,G),omega)),
       time rank source basis(0,Ext^1(truncate(2,G),omega)),
       time rank source basis(0,Ext^0(truncate(2,G),omega)))
     -- used 0.031472 seconds
     -- used 0.0164986 seconds
     -- used 0.00214615 seconds

o29 = (2, 2, 0)

o29 : Sequence

Example 4: Comparing timings.

i30 : k = ZZ/32003; S = k[w,x,y,z];
i32 : I = monomialCurveIdeal(S,{1,2,3})

              2                    2
o32 = ideal (y  - x*z, x*y - w*z, x  - w*y)

o32 : Ideal of S
i33 : Q = S/I;
i34 : M = coker vars S**Q

o34 = cokernel | w x y z |

o34 : Q-module, quotient of Q
i35 : time betti res M
     -- used 0.00206875 seconds

             0 1 2  3  4  5
o35 = total: 1 4 9 18 36 72
          0: 1 4 9 18 36 72

o35 : BettiTally
i36 : apply(0..8,i->time rank source basis(-i,ExtDegreeLimit(i,M,M,-i)))
     -- used 0.00395442 seconds
     -- used 0.00540809 seconds
     -- used 0.00736771 seconds
     -- used 0.011827 seconds
     -- used 0.023842 seconds
     -- used 0.0613497 seconds
     -- used 0.224447 seconds
     -- used 0.601766 seconds
     -- used 2.15206 seconds

o36 = (1, 4, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576)

o36 : Sequence
i37 : apply(0..8,i->time rank source basis(-i,Ext^i(M,M)))
     -- used 0.00296287 seconds
     -- used 0.011585 seconds
     -- used 0.00860211 seconds
     -- used 0.0132349 seconds
     -- used 0.0284217 seconds
     -- used 0.0967308 seconds
     -- used 0.223134 seconds
     -- used 0.843614 seconds
     -- used 3.96964 seconds

o37 = (1, 4, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576)

o37 : Sequence

Ways to use ExtDegreeLimit :