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ExtensionsAndTorsWithLimitedDegree :: TorDegreeLimit

TorDegreeLimit -- Computes the components in degree <=d of Tor^i(M,N)



The modules M and N should be graded (homogeneous) modules over the same ring.

If M and/or N are ideals or rings, they are regarded as modules in the evident way.

Computes the components in degree ≤d of Tori(M,N). The method computes the homogeneous component up to the chosen degree d of the i-th homology of the complex Fi+1⊗N →Fi⊗N →Fi-1⊗N, obtained by applying .⊗N to the resolution F of M: 0←M ←F0 ←...←Fi ←Fi+1.

Example: Failure of the minimal resolution conjecture for 11 points in P6.

i1 : kk = ZZ/10007;
i2 : R = kk[x_0..x_6];
i3 : gamma = 11;
i4 : I = intersect(apply(gamma,i->(ideal random(R^6,R^{1:-1}))));

o4 : Ideal of R
i5 : betti res I

            0  1  2  3  4  5 6
o5 = total: 1 17 46 46 30 18 4
         0: 1  .  .  .  .  . .
         1: . 17 46 45  5  . .
         2: .  .  .  1 25 18 4

o5 : BettiTally
i6 : apply(0..2,i-> time rank source basis(7-i,(TorDegreeLimit(6-i,R^1/ideal(vars R),R^1/I,7-i))))
     -- used 0.176132 seconds
     -- used 0.969883 seconds
     -- used 2.72517 seconds

o6 = (0, 0, 5)

o6 : Sequence

Ways to use TorDegreeLimit :